Certificate IV in Mental Health CHC43315
Community Services
Certificate IV in Mental Health CHC43315
Qualification Overview
  • Qualification Name: Certificate IV in Mental Health
  • Qualification Code and Units of Competency: CHC43315
  • Duration: Within four weeks of receiving the required prior learning evidence.
This qualification reflects the responsibilities of individuals who offer self-directed, recovery-focused assistance to those impacted by mental illness and psychiatric disability. Their tasks encompass the execution of community-oriented initiatives and endeavors centered around mental health, mental illness, and psychiatric disability. These efforts span various community landscapes, such as non-government organizations with a community focus, outreach services provided in individuals’ homes, programs held at centers, respite care facilities, residential services, rehabilitation programs, clinical settings, and support for individuals in employment roles. The execution of their duties occurs independently, guided by overarching guidance from other practitioners and professionals.