Advanced Diploma of Information Technology ICT60220
Information Technology
Advanced Diploma of Information Technology ICT60220
Qualification Overview
  • Qualification Name: Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
  • Qualification Code and Units of Competency: ICT60220
  • Duration: Within four weeks of receiving the required prior learning evidence.

This qualification reflects the role of individuals engaged in various roles within the realm of information and communications technology (ICT), who possess substantial expertise either in specialized technical proficiencies or in managerial capacities encompassing business and personnel oversight.

Individuals performing these roles undertake intricate responsibilities within specialized domains, operating autonomously, guiding teams, or steering a business’s strategic trajectory. They apply their proficiencies across a diverse spectrum of industries and business operations, and may also function as proprietors of their own enterprises (sole traders/contractors).
The competencies requisite for these positions encompass, though are not confined to:

  • Advanced data management: Engaging in the conception, design, and oversight of intricate systems for data storage, along with enhancing organizational knowledge management.
  • Cybersecurity: Safeguarding confidential data and information via security architecture, while devising plans for disaster recovery and contingency.
  • Full stack web development: Constructing sophisticated user interfaces, formulating Representational State Transfer Application Program Interfaces (REST APIs), and conceiving solutions for user experiences.
  • Further programming: Applying advanced ICT languages to ensure data security and facilitate effective data management.
  • IT strategy and organizational advancement: Orchestrating and conveying strategic ICT-based business remedies.
  • Systems development and analysis: Modeling and evaluating data entities, data workflows, and favored ICT system resolutions.
  • Telecommunications network engineering: Administering logistics, organizational specifications, regulatory adherence, and statutory prerequisites across network initiatives.